Tuesday 24 April 2012

Writing on the Wall

I've entered a Flash Fiction competition....actually I've entered a couple...but first things first.

For those of you who don't know, Flash Fiction is basically very very short stories...usually 500 words (ish), and National Flash Fiction Day is in May this year.

The Writing on the Wall competition focuses on the end of the world, this being imminent according to the Myan calendar.

You can read my entry at this link...


I think I'm on the third page (make your own Page 3 jokes at will).

You can 'Like' my story...(or dislike others ha ha!)

I'm also going to be published here: www.1000words.org.uk some time in May.

And you all knew me before I got famous! ;)

Friday 20 April 2012

Blink and I'm Over...

Wow! Has it really been that long since I posted on here? Life is definately passing me by!

I'm pleased to report a HUGE improvement in my general joint 'issues', but slightly embarassed to admit to this year's skiing injury!

We had a great holiday this February in a resort called Borovetz in Bulgaria, but I managed to snap my cruciate ligament on the first day! (Yup...typical!!!)

Basically I managed to fall over backwards on a red run, which sent me rolling downhill (sexy), and the tip of my ski got stuck in the snow...I kept rolling...and the rest is history! I'm getting remodelled (again) on 2nd May, which will add some lovely metal pins to my list of add-ons. I'll probably be a whole new person by the time I'm fifty!! I think that might be Craig's secret plan!

On the plus side, it will give me time to catch up on my non-University related writing. I plan on entering every available writing competition in the hope of ....well ...prizes (!?) Ha Ha! So watch this space ...www.fresh1nk.wordpress.com

and also...check out my new blog (woohoo get me!) at www.smoffat99.wordpress.com.
It contains some examples of my poetry, flash fiction and short stories.